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  • cherish:想问一下,专升本考试有加分政策吗?
  • 时光:据我所知,退伍士兵已经全免试了。
  • 顺:可以赶紧报名,这个机会很难得。
  • ROSE:我是湖南的,已经报名了。
  • W:我在准备报名了。


2022-02-08 15:31http://www.zsbqm.com作者:求明大师兄 来源:求明大师兄

加湖南专升本考试群658496822 领纸质版资料

湖南专升本报考院校查询助手 一键教你择校择专业


1.Either you or he ________ to stay at home this afternoon.

A. has B. have C. are D. is

2. After months of research, there was little hope ________ the lost car might be found.

A.that B.which C.when D.how

3. She dresses well, but the trouble is ________ the clothes she is wearing don’t go with each other very well.

A.even if B.whether C.that D.if

4. ________ in the office had made a mistake, and the firm regretted causing the customer inconvenience.

A. Someone B. Anyone C. Everyone D. No one

5. He said that honesty ________ the key to success.

A. was B. will be C. is D. is being

1.Either you or he ________ to stay at home this afternoon.

A. has B. have C. are D. is


【解析】考查就近原则。eithe ...or...做主语时,用就近原则,主语是he,谓语动词用三单形式,B C排除,has to 不得不,必须,所以选A。句意:要么你,要么他今天下午必须待在家。

2. After months of research, there was little hope ________ the lost car might be found.

A.that B.which C.when D.how



3. She dresses well, but the trouble is ________ the clothes she is wearing don’t go with each other very well.

A.even if B.whether C.that D.if



4. ________ in the office had made a mistake, and the firm regretted causing the customer inconvenience.

A. Someone B. Anyone C. Everyone D. No one


【解析】考查不定代词。句意:办公室的某人犯了个错误,公司对于因此对顾客造成的不便感到抱歉。someone某人,anybody任何人,everybody 每个人,no one没有人,根据句意选择A。

5. He said that honesty ________ the key to success.

A. was B. will be C. is D. is being




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